Greta Christina: Christopher Hitchens’ Brother, Atheists Reject Religion So They Can Be Decadent

People engage in pretty much the same sexual acts, with the same frequency, whether they’re believers or atheists. Religion and atheism does affect people’s sex lives — sexual guilt diminishes, and sexual satisfaction increases, when people let go of religion. But the actual details of people’s physical sex lives, on average, don’t change. . .

. . . [S]ocieties with high rates of atheism are also, overwhelmingly, societies with high rates of happiness, stability, and social functioning. They’re societies with some of the lowest rates of violent crime in the world, some of the lowest levels of corruption, excellent educational systems, strong economies, well-supported arts, free health care, egalitarian social policies, and more. . .

. . . Peter Hitchens is full of shit[!]

Read more . . .

2 thoughts on “Greta Christina: Christopher Hitchens’ Brother, Atheists Reject Religion So They Can Be Decadent

  1. Pingback: Where Idiots Fear to Tread | Tangled Up in Blue Guy

  2. I’m sorry but I’m not from these shores so can somebody please tell me who Peter Hitchens is.
    Thank you.

    Ignorant lot ‘over here’ aren’t we?!

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